Monday, January 30th, 2012
CONTEST – Leonard Cohen / Old Ideas
Frank YangJust so as we’re clear, I don’t imagine that in the realm of Leonard Cohen giveaways, I’ll ever be able to top the one I held in February 2009 wherein I got to send a few people to the Hamilton date of his comeback tour. That said, having a copy of the master’s new album Old Ideas to give away on CD isn’t shabby at all, either.
It comes courtesy of With A Bullet and if you’d like a shot at having it for your own, leave a comment below with a bit of Cohen-inspired poetry; a simple stanza or haiku is more than sufficient. Make sure to include your email address for contacting – it will be hidden from prying eyes and spambots – and have that in before midnight, February 2. And contest open to residents of Canada only.
There’s an interview with Cohen about the 2009 tour, “Hallelujah” and the new record at Rolling Stone, wherein he reveals that there will indeed be a tour for this new record.
Stream: Leonard Cohen / Old Ideas