Sunday, February 13th, 2011
Bjork & PJ Harvey cover The Rolling Stones
YouTubeSeventeen years. Seven. Teen. Now don’t get me wrong, I knew that this performance by Bjork and PJ Harvey was old – I’ve had it as long as I can remember – but I didn’t realize it was that old. I’d thought it came from around the turn of the century and that having the two of them perform together at the Brit Awards was meant to be a summit of two of the premiere artists of the day, but instead it comes from 1994 and was a showcase for two of the music world’s most promising new acts – Bjork was only one record into her solo career with 1993’s Debut and Harvey had just turned PJ Harvey from a trio into a solo act following 1993’s Rid Of Me.
Of course both of them would turn out to have stellar careers and remain vital artists. Anyone who thought that Debut was out in left field had no idea just how far out there Bjork could and would go and Harvey has reinvented herself and her sound with pretty much every record impressing all the while. So it’s probably a good thing that a recording of the two of them performing a Rolling Stones cover together – Harvey handling the slow-building blues seethe while Bjork gets all unhinged overtop – was captured for posterity because I don’t think it’ll ever happen again.
Harvey’s new record Let England Shake is out this week and her live webcast performance of the record takes place tomorrow afternoon at 3PM EST at Bjork hasn’t released a new studio album since 2007’s Volta, every indication is that she’ll have something new out before the year is out. The Rolling Stones are releasing a massive box set entitled The Rolling Stones Singles (1971-2006) on April 11 and may or may not tour for the millionth time this year. This year’s edition of The Brit Awards takes place in London on Tuesday.
Seventeen years. Damnation.
MP3: Bjork & PJ Harvey – “Satisfaction”
Video: Bjork & PJ Harvey – “Satisfaction”
Video: The Rolling Stones – “Satisfaction” (live on The Ed Sullivan Show)
Tags: Bjork, PJ Harvey, Rolling Stones
2/13/11 10:30 am
Tweets that mention .: v7.5 » Blog Archive » Bjork & PJ Harvey cover The Rolling Stones -- says:[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Frank Yang, indienation and janelle gunther, David J. MacKay. David J. MacKay said: RT @fyang: chromewaves post: Bjork & PJ Harvey cover The Rolling Stones […]
2/13/11 11:05 am
Hey, I remember that. I liked that version so much I went through the trouble of pulling the audio off of my VCR so I could put it on mix tapes.
2/20/11 12:43 pm
Video Premiere: “Let England Shake” by PJ Harvey | Luxury says:[…] Bjork & PJ Harvey cover The Rolling Stones ( […]