Sunday, April 11th, 2010
"Box Elder"
The Wedding Present covers Pavement
The Moment’s GoneConsider this entry a bit of an adjunct to yesterday’s contest post wherein I wondered exactly which edition of Bizarro we’d hear The Wedding Present perform on the album’s 20th anniversary tour. Because if they do what’s probably the right thing and stick to the original album’s 10 tracks, then we may not get to hear their version of Pavement’s “Box Elder”, which was originally included as a b-side on the Brassneck EP and added to the US edition of the album as well as the 2001 reissue.
For further information and context, refer to this piece on the band, particularly item 5.2 which I’ve helpfully copied out here below:
Q5.2 Did TWP cover a Pavement song? Where can I find the original?
A5.2 David Gedge: “Keith returned from a holiday in America in 1989 with a cassette of [“Box Elder”] which we all liked and decided to cover on the Brassneck E.P. ”
It can also be found on the American version of Bizarro, as well as Hit Parade 3.
The original version by Pavement can be found on the Slay Tracks record, as well as their Westing (By Musket & Sextant) compilation.
This question comes up because Pavement were not credited on the US version, though they were on the UK version. Also the copyright date on Westing is later than that of Bizarro, leading people to believe that Pavement covered TWP.
Though it should be noted that according to this, “Box Elder” never actually did appear on the France-only mini-LP Hit Parade 3. So interestingly, what was one of the band’s more popular early tracks was also one of the more elusive to actually get a hold of in some parts of the world, at least until the digital age.
Anyways, what’s important is this – The Wedding Present are at the Horseshoe this Wednesday night, April 14, and may or may not play “Box Elder”. The reunited Pavement are headlining the Toronto Island Concert on June 19 and almost certainly will.
MP3: The Wedding Present – “Box Elder Mo”
Video: Pavement – “Box Elder” (live)
Tags: Pavement, Wedding Present
4/11/10 9:58 am
They’re doing the UK version of Bizarro, with about six or seven additional songs, old and new, beforehand.
4/12/10 1:37 am
Just wanted to confirm bill p’s comment. Here’s a picture of the setlist from the first show in San Diego.*480/theweddingpresent5.jpg
Though I guess they can easily change things up with the non-Bizarro songs, I’m not sure if they would add “Box Elder.”