Sunday, September 23rd, 2007
CONTEST – Bloc Party @ The Docks – September 28, 2007
It’s a peculiar bit of coincidence that Bloc Party always seems to come to town a week after I see them in Texas. First back in March after SxSW and now this coming Friday after after ACL. And while they’ve put on great shows both times I’ve seen ’em this year, it does take some of the urgency out of needing to see them again. Add in the fact that this week’s show has been moved from the Ricoh Coliseum to The Docks – a venue I hate only slightly less than Indiana Jones hates snakes. And since I don’t believe I’m being faced with a choice between either going to the Docks or being hunted down by angry, spear-wielding natives, I’m going to opt to pass on this show and go see Bat For Lashes at the El Mocambo instead.
But this isn’t about me, this is about you. Maybe you love Bloc Party more than a fat kid loves Smarties, and no venue can keep you away… well then I’d be tempted to ask why you don’t already have tickets but I won’t. Instead, I will offer – courtesy of Vice Records – one pair of passes to this Friday’s show, which also features Smoosh and Deerhoof. To enter, leave me a comment with your email address and a description of what your idea of a perfect “Weekend In The City” would be. Please keep it PG, though. This is a family site.
Contest closes at midnight, September 25 (Tuesday night).
MP3: Bloc Party – “I Still Remember” (acoustic)
MP3: Bloc Party – “Sunday” (acoustic)
Video: Bloc Party – “Hunting For Witches” (YouTube)
Video: Bloc Party – “The Prayer” (YouTube)
Video: Bloc Party – “I Still Remember” (YouTube)
MySpace: Bloc Party
9/23/07 7:15 pm
My perfect weekend in the city would consist of being with friends and seeing good live music. Simple, yes, but that’s all I really need.
9/23/07 8:47 pm
Seeing BLOC PARTY (duh) – and perhaps waking up to a delicious plate of bacon and eggs. Is this too much to ask for?
9/23/07 8:56 pm
any weekend in toronto is a perfect weekend :)
(but seriously, a weekend involving watching the sun rise at harbourfront, breakfast at futures, browsing pages/w.b.b./seekers, jewellery shopping in kensington, lunch at MASA, music-hunting at play de/kops, cloud-watching in front of UC at u of t, dinner at lalibela, watching the sunset at harbourfront, drinks at joe mamas, debauchery at drake underground/social and, finally, taking the 6 a.m. GO back to the suburbs equals a perfect weekend in the city for me)
9/24/07 12:24 am
Hanging out with friends all weekend – Brunch, followed by shopping Saturday. A fancy supper and a concert at night. A good lie-in on Sunday with a late brunch and some shopping before returning to the ‘real world.’
9/24/07 10:07 am
a perfect weekend would have to include good food, good weather, good friends, and be absolutely stress-free. and it would preferably never end.
9/24/07 10:40 am
Start the day off with cupcakes for breakfast at The Cupcake Shoppe/etc. and an early garage sale. Followed by purchasing some fresh sneakers Goodfoot/Livestock. Pick up some fresh produce from Kensington for sandwiches and have a picnic at a local park. Definitely some arcade games followed by crate diggin’ until the sun sets. Dress up and have dinner at an expensive restaurant and then goto Bistro 422 and drink heavily. Stumble home and watch a movie with illicit substances.
Pretty solid day! Maybe I should actually try it this weekend.
9/24/07 11:42 am
My perfect weekend in the city was this past one, thanks to Okkervil River.
9/24/07 2:01 pm
9/24/07 3:23 pm
Brunch on Saturday at Mitzi’s in Roncesvalles village, then maybe then a walk down Queen West to see what’s up in the galleries. Head up Spadina to a bakery for egg tarts and coconut buns. Evening, dinner at Julie’s (Kele of BP’s favourite toronto restaurant, amazing Cuban!) and then take in a show at Lee’s or the Shoe.
Sunday, breakfast of fresh scones and coffee from Cherry Bomb on Roncy then head out to the island for some bike riding and a picnic/bottle of wine. More drunk biking. Dinner at Sushi on Bloor (it’s all about the free red bean ice cream), then a movie at the Bloor Street Cinema. Pint on the patio of Futures.
9/26/07 6:08 pm
a perfect weekend in toronto would be the one when they ban all autmobiles from midnight friday till sunday at 9pm.
good music, fresh air, my bike and some love.