Wednesday, June 15th, 2005
Nobody's Watching
Joe Pernice steps out of the shadows and says hello to his web forum, thanking them (us) for their (our) support and money and previews the upcoming tour for Discover A Lovelier You, which came out yesterday. The Pernice Brothers travelling roadshow makes a stop at Lee’s Palace on July 18.
Pitchfork didn’t especially like the album, but I hear the album doesn’t especially like Pitchfork so they’re pretty much even. likes them, though – the band will be their “Band Of The Day” this Friday, whatever that means. Maybe they get to meet The Killers or something. Also worth reading is the typically droll the official bio for the new album – funny stuff.
Oh, and I finally got around to watching the DVD component of the Nobody’s Watching/Nobody’s Listening package a couple weeks ago. It’s a fun look at life on the road with the Pernice Brothers (Joe takes on a vending machine and loses) but there’s nothing really essential – there’s not much in the way of complete performances. I find it odd that it was marketed as a live DVD with a bonus audio disc when the album disc was quite good and the DVD more like a throw-in.
Rolling Stone has the video for Spoon’s “I Turn My Camera On”. Credz Catbirdseat. And to meet my CanCon requirements, here’s the same vid at MuchMusic. Use up Canadian bandwidth! has a nice review of the new Tears album, which I still have yet to hear. Yes, I know it’s available to stream everywhere, I just haven’t gotten around to it. I’ll probably end up buying it before I preview it.
I just realized that I will still be here on September 10, meaning I can attend the Sufjan Stevens show at Trinity-St Paul’s after all. Sweet.
Prefix brings us this live Calexico performance of “Quattro”, taken from their World Drifts In DVD.
Five Seventeen – whose My Mean Magpie now once again has it’s own URL so he can stop hijacking mine, update your bookmarks – pays tribute to the end of Three Gut Records with some rarities from three of their original roster: Royal City, Jim Guthrie and Gentleman Reg. Go get em while I watch my bandwidth usage skyrocket…
It’s Batman Begins day! I still remember camping out in front of the Famous Players at the Oakville Town Centre on June 19 23, 1989 – opening day for the first Batman film – from right after school until showtime (which was only about three hours and doesn’t really constitute “camping”, but it was still a pretty lengthy vigil at the time). This time I won’t be getting around to seeing it until Sunday – my cape and cowl are still at the cleaners. Reviews so far have been excellent – maybe the best in recent memory for a mainstream genre-type film? – so I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.
np – The House Of Love / Days Run Away
6/15/05 8:35 am
im sorry if this is bothersome but do you know when sufjan tickets go on sale? iv been lookin around but not such info has popped up yet.
6/15/05 8:36 am
no idea. When I find out, I’ll post it.
6/15/05 9:12 am
The Globe & Mail hated Batman Begins, but then again, they never like anything.
6/15/05 9:18 am
Just wanted to let you know that the Spoon video is the Muchmusic website’s featured video.
6/15/05 10:11 am
I wanted to relive that wonderful 1989 memory and camp out for Batman Begins but, unbeknownst to me, the theatre is now a Staples.
6/15/05 10:23 am
I downloaded the Tears album the other day. It’s pretty good, certainly better than the last two Suede albums. Funny, though, because as much as I love early Suede, I find more and more that my favorite is "Coming Up," even though it’s Bernard-free. Oh well.
6/15/05 11:20 am
I saw a midnight show of <i>Batman</i> in 1989 and this morning. I don’t know if I would say it’s the best genre movie, but it’s probably on a tier with the <i>Spider-Man</i> movies.
6/15/05 12:38 pm
Oddly enough, The Tears album sounds like the last two weak Suede-by-numbers albums.
6/15/05 12:57 pm
frank,have you picked up the new jens lekmen ep(the oppisite of hallelujah) yet? its perfect and im convinced the man can do no wrong. from what i understand,its a canada only ep and is out on the evil evil label run by the hidden cameras. its reallllllly great.
6/15/05 1:00 pm
I camped out to see Batman in Oakville too!
… Batman Forever, that is.
Okay shut up, I was 14, that shit rocked.
6/15/05 2:03 pm
The Jens Lekman EP is very, very nice…
Pick up the new Sufjan Stevens at Asthmatic Kitty for $10!
6/15/05 2:06 pm
Thanks for reminding me that I owe him an Elizabeth Cotten live show, it’s going in the mail this afternoon.
6/15/05 3:25 pm
yep, I will be placing an order to asthmatic kitty shortly. I still don’t have Michigan, either.
And I don’t have any of Jens Lekman’s stuff, to my shame. I had hoped to get some at the Wavelength show in the Spring but he didn’t have anything with him. It then sort of fell off my radar. I will have to rectify that.
6/15/05 3:53 pm
The Calexico’s World Drifts In is amazing. When the Mariarchi band are on stage the sound is just immense. Definately one of my favourite concert DVDs.
6/17/05 10:04 am
The first Batman actually came out on June 23, 1989. I remember I had so much merchandise/advertisements with that date on it plastered around my bedroom, I haven’t been able to forget it during the ensuing years.
6/17/05 10:07 am
yeah, me too – my memory just not what it was. I know I should have looked that up.