Sunday, February 6th, 2005
Shots & Ladders
Much has been made of Low’s bold new sound on their latest album, The Great Destroyer, their first for Subpop. Formerly the patron saints of all things slow and quiet, they’ve apparently decided to amp up and rock out, at least in a relative sense. I say “apparently” because I haven’t actually gotten the new record yet, I’m just going by the reviews and online scuttlebutt. As you could expect, the general opinion seems split – some find the new direction revitalizing, others have sworn the band off in disgust. Me, I expect to find myself in the former camp. The two sample tracks that Subpop has available online are pretty damn good songs.
MP3: Low – “California”
MP3: Low – “Monkey”
Their current tour doesn’t bring them to the 416, but I hope they’ll be promoting this one for a while and I’ll get to see them eventually. In the meantime, if I can’t see them, I can at least read about them! Yeah, I know. Lame. Anyway, The Washington Square News talks to the band about life on Subpop and the new record (via LHB) while Boston’s Weekly Dig also considers their new direction.
Ooh, cover artwork for the new Ivy record. In The Clear is out March 1.
JAM! seems to think that Oasis will be stopping by at the Molson Amphitheatre in mid-June.
Anyone dismayed to find that the Anti-Hit List was absent from this week’s issue of eye, repoint your bookmarks to The Toronto Star, the AHL’s new home. Yeah, you’ll need a login to read the thing – that’s why God created However, boo to The Star for not making the links in the copy live. Boo, I say.
Bought myself a 200GB hard drive yesterday. Holy hannah that’s a lot of storage.
2/6/05 12:21 pm
i was apprehensive, but overall, i find the great destroyer to be great. and you’re right, they’ve gotta get their asses up here! it’s been too long!
2/6/05 12:57 pm
I saw Low on Friday night at the Bowery Ballroom in New York. The show was pretty rough – the sound wasn’t right, they had a number of false starts – but overall it was good. The songs from Great Destroyer sounded very good live, especially Broadway(Too many People).
We’ve got some photos from the show up on Check ’em out.
2/6/05 1:28 pm
Let me know if you want me to up some tracks from the new Low album.
2/6/05 3:37 pm
That is some ultra-nice artwork on the ivy cover…
2/6/05 3:57 pm
isn’t it though? I definitely approve.
Torr – don’t worry about it, I’ll probably pick up the record within the next week or two.
2/6/05 7:26 pm
the new Low is fabulous imo. When I Go Deaf is one of my fave songs so far this year.
2/7/05 6:54 pm
judging from the mp3’s above, they are even better live than the new album is. "monkey" absolutely kills the recorded version, although i like the bass synth and extreme wobbly guitar effects.