Sunday, February 29th, 2004
The Original Leap Year
I’ve always thought that leap years would be much more impressive if there was some cosmic confluence that went along with them, some event that only happened every four years. Like meteor showers, or solar flares, or magical doorways in my closet leading to the land of Narnia. But no, all we get is the coldest, drabbest, dullest month one day longer. Whose idea was this, anyway?
I picked up a Grandaddy DVD-video single gratis this weekend, which features the two videos from Sumday. I’d seen the vid for “Now It’s On” from the enchanced component of the CD, but the clip for “El Caminoes In The West” was new to me and a lot of fun, not least of all because it was mostly shot in Toronto – this is what they were doing at the Rivoli last Spring and after seeing it you’ll understand why while they were shooting live footage for the vid, the band was not there. They had these things for free at the front counter of Rotate This – get em while you can.
Curiously, one of the first things people ask me when they see my CD collection is, “Is this alphabetized?”, as though there were any other logical way to do it. I mean, I’ve got over 1000 items – anything besides alphabetical (by artist, and then by title, if you’re wondering) just doesn’t make any sense – it’d take forever to find anything. Well maybe I should reconsider that line of reasoning – Radishbeet has some other suggestions on how to organize one’s music collection. I think the next time I get really bored, things are going Socratic. Link from Jinners.
Those mash-up remixes have been around for a while, but I’ve never seen one done in video form before. Check out this Missy Elliott vs Joy Division one – pretty impressive editing. A bunch more audio ones available here. Link from Largehearted Boy.
Ryan Adams’ double-EP set Love Is Hell will be getting a re-release as a single album on May 3. Once again, the record companies show they business acumen, tapping into that rich demographic of people who held off on buying two discount-priced EPs so that they could pay more for a single disc half a year later. Savvy savvy!
np – Old 97s / Fight Songs