Tuesday, July 28th, 2009
A Pause
I’ve taken a few swings at this and had something ready to go, but circumstances changed and now I’m at a bit of a loss for words. So briefly. My father was diagnosed with cancer not three months ago and though we were warned that things would move quickly, no one anticipated it would as fast as it’s been, and he passed away yesterday around noon, as peacefully as you could hope and with his family at his side.
I had planned to take an open-ended hiatus from the blog, which had been a tremendous and necessary distraction over the last while, to tend to him and family matters as things progressed. But now, it seems, he’s done me the final favour of clarifying the “when” and given me the opportunity to make plans again for the first time in what seems like forever. Thanks, Dad. So I’m still going to be largely absent for the next little while – still much to do – things will be back sooner rather than later. When my RSS reader starts overflowing, it’s not a pretty sight.
So thanks to everyone who’s expressed their sympathies and condolences via phone, email, Facebook, Twitter and whatever since yesterday – they’re all deeply and genuinely appreciated. Take care, see you soon.
8/2/09 5:25 pm
Paul says:My thoughts are with you and your family Frank.
8/2/09 8:48 pm
azecho says:frank, i’m so sorry for your loss. i lost my father a few years back and i can assure you once the pain recedes only great memories remain.
8/2/09 10:12 pm
Emily says:I’m so sorry for your loss…look forward to hearing from you again when things get easier. Take care.
8/3/09 1:44 pm
Lizzie says:Frank
I am deeply sorry for your loss.
my thoughts are with you and your family.
take care
8/4/09 12:26 am
Michael says:Frank, my sincerest condolences. My thoughts are with you.
8/4/09 2:10 am
Jim says:Frank,
the best to you and yours…..
8/4/09 4:41 am
Erik says:my condolences to you and your family
8/9/09 3:58 pm
Adrian says:Frank, it’s a well-earned pause. It’s just too bad it’s been caused by something so tragic. My condolences. Take your time. I’ll be reading when you come back.
8/12/09 9:06 am
Tualla says:Incredibly sorry to read this news. All thoughts are with you and your family Frank – Tualla
10/7/09 8:19 pm
sean says:Very sorry to hear about your loss, Frank. Take care of yourself.