Monday, June 23rd, 2008
Party Barge
It’s been a couple years since David Berman surprised pretty much everyone and turned his Silver Jews from a recording-only entity into a touring proposition, but that particular traveling roadshow has yet to cross the border and make it up to Toronto… until now. In support of their just-released new album Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea, Berman and band will be coming to town for a show at Lee’s Palace on September 2, tickets $15.
I’ve only heard a very little of the Silver Jews’ material, but what I have heard certainly sounds like it’s something that I should be hearing more of – methinks that doing so before tickets for this particular show cease being available would be a good idea. Anyone care to suggest a starting point, though the reviews would suggest that the new record is as good a place as any to start.
There’s interviews with Berman at PopMatters, The New York Sun and New York Magazine have interviews with Berman about the new record while The Village Voice chimes in with a profile, and Largehearted Boy talks to wife and bandmate Cassie Berman. There’s an MP3 available to download from the new album while fansite The Corduroy Suit has got a few older tracks on offer.
MP3: Silver Jews – “Strange Victory, Strange Defeat”
MP3: Silver Jews – “Room Games & Diamond Rain”
MP3: Silver Jews – “People”
MP3: Silver Jews – “Black And Brown Blues”
Video: Silver Jews – “Sleeping Is the Only Love”
Video: Silver Jews – “I’m Getting Back Into Getting Back Into You”
Video: Silver Jews – “Punks In The Beerlight”
Video: Silver Jews – “How Can I Love You If You Won’t Lie Down”
MySpace: Silver Jews
Seattle’s Mudhoney – still around and with a new album out in The Lucky Ones – will be at the Horseshoe on September 19. Tickets for that one will run you $25.50.
MP3: Mudhoney – “I’m Now”
Just under a month after Paul Weller (hopefully) plays some Jam songs at V Fest, his former bandmates Bruce Foxton and Rick Buckler, currently AKA From The Jam, will be at the Opera House on October 1 to do the same.
The Northwest Herald and The Colorodoan talk to Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers.
The Edmonton Sun, Montreal Gazette and The Edmonton Journal profile Constantines, who are playing day one of V Fest on September 6 at the Toronto Islands.
emusic solicits thoughts from Liz Phair on her songs from Exile In Guyville, just in time for the deluxe reissue of said album tomorrow while Newsweek and also offer up interviews. Pitchfork gives the reissue a glowing review, which sort of balances out the not-so-glowing one they gave her a few years back.
There’s another live version of a song from Supergrass’ new album Diamond Hoo Ha available for download.
MP3: Supergrass – “Diamond Hoo Ha Man” (live)
The Tripwire recounts some comments Kevin Shields made to the BBC before My Bloody Valentine’s “official” comeback shows at the Roundhouse in London this past weekend. The Guardian, Uncut and Pitchfork report on how one of those went. They’ll be coming to punch Toronto in the side of the head September 25 at the Ricoh Coliseum.
JAM reports on the Toronto connection in R.E.M.’s latest video for “Man-Sized Wreath” (which hasn’t yet been released). It was also a local production house – Crush – that was responsible for their last video for “Hollow Man”.
Video: R.E.M. – “Hollow Man”
NPR is streaming a World Cafe session with Duffy. She’ll be at the Phoenix on August 2.
Billboard reports that rather than jump to a major now that their deal with SubPop is done, The Shins intend on going even MORE indie and will release their fourth album themselves.
SF Weekly Q&As Death Cab For Cutie.
Spin goes backstage with Broken Social Scene at Bonnaroo.
Fleet Foxes queue’s up for a Black Cab Session, talks to The Times. They’re at the Phoenix on July 16.
AOL invites The Ting Tings over for a session.
6/23/08 10:09 am
Hey Frank….I just happened to come across this Silver Jews "Live From Juan’s Basement" video on the other day…thought I’d pass it along to you (if you haven’t seen it already that is…):…
6/23/08 12:31 pm
"Strange Victory" is a fantastic song, probably the best on the new album.
6/23/08 8:14 pm
I just returned from seeing My Bloody Valentine last night, and the show was absolutely surreal, just brilliant, from the members, to the backdrop, to the vast amount of pretty guitars, to the 20 minute face melting noise barrage of You Made Me Realize…
I can’t wait for September now
6/26/08 8:31 pm
So far I’m finding the new Silver Jews album good but not great.
As a starting point, I think you’d do well to grab a copy of American Water. It is a real classic.