Wednesday, September 26th, 2007
This Just In…
…A correction to the winner of Monday night’s Polaris Music Prize. Head over to Contact Music for the exclusive info. Note: only relevant until their editors wake up.
Thanks to Renee for the tip.
Category: Uncategorized
9/26/07 3:54 pm
I don’t see any difference? What happened?
9/26/07 4:20 pm
well…… patrick wilson is not patrick watson. that’s the difference. the pics are of a different person, as is the headline.
9/26/07 4:50 pm
The guy playing Nite Owl in the Watchmen movie, coincidentally. (FWIW, alongside his ‘Little Children’ co-star Jackie Earle Haley as Rorshach)
9/26/07 5:43 pm
HAHAHAHAH this is hilarious
9/26/07 7:20 pm
I didn’t know members of Weezer were eligible this year…
9/26/07 8:45 pm
So enjoyable. Thanks for the link.
9/26/07 9:14 pm
Wilson strikes again on the Polaris site:
in the eighth news link.
Further proof spelling doesn’t count on the internet.
9/27/07 8:33 am
I just love the fact that they took the trouble to assemble a photo gallery.
9/27/07 10:45 am
And it’s still up!