Friday, November 4th, 2005
Until The World Stops Spinning
Catbirdseat make me happy with news that Saturday Looks Good To Me’s All Your Summer Songs will be reissued in vinyl form this December. I actually just tried to buy a copy and was denied by non-up-to-date dealer inventory listings – I should have known that it’d be too good to be true, since the original pressing was a limited edition of 1000 pieces. I can’t find any other info about this reissue, but I have faith in the Catbirdseat and his sources.
SLGTM are good about making their vinyl must-haves in addition to the CD issues. Summer Songs contains two bonus tracks while the LP edition of last year’s Every Night featured several different mixes of songs from the digital version. This album pre-dates the Betty Marie Barnes hotness of the current lineup, but it’s still a great record. If you’ve never heard it, check out “Underwater Heartbeat”, and then go out and buy it. Because you know you’ll want to.
MP3: Saturday Looks Good To Me – “Underwater Heartbeat”
Not too much news in SLGTM land, otherwise. I think this Home Recording Series compilation featuring three SLGTM songs is pretty new, and hopefully plans for a new double-album next year are still on. I dug up this interview with How Does It Feel To Be Loved? where Fred Thomas talks about indiepop, but besides that? Not much. But any excuse to post a pic of Ms Barnes is, to me, a good one.
Beth Orton slipped off my radar some time ago with the lacklustre Daybreaker, and her case wasn’t helped that her next two releases were compilations (of Daybreaker b-sides and a best-of). So I wasn’t really initially interested when I saw this Billboard piece about her new album Comfort Of Strangers, out February 7, but when I reached the bit about the record being produced by Jim O’Rourke, then I paid attention. Loved by many, hated by many, I count myself as one who definitely likes the angles he can bring to a project, like the last two Wilco records. Orton is at her best when she’s not just being a folkie (her electronic-inflected debut Trailer Park, for example), and O’Rourke could be just the guy to get her out of her rut. I won’t out Comfort Of Strangers on my “to buy” list just yet, but I will definitely be paying attention when it comes out. And I’m going to put Trailer Park on my iPod.
Glide talks to My Morning Jacket drummer Patrick Hallahan about the long and winding road from It Still Moves to Z.
Each Note Secure has got an interview with Grandaddy’s Jason Lyttle/ They talk about the new EP Excerpts From The Diary Of Toddzilla, and a bit about what to expect from the next full-length, which could be due around April of next year.
Rob Dickimson says “thanks” to everyone who came out to see him on his recent mini-tour via MySpace blog. Via Bradley’s Almanac. If you missed them the first time around, here’s my pics and review of Rob’s show in Toronto last month.
So iPod question of the day – I’ve already loaded scads of albums onto mine, but not album art. Is there a way to get the artwork onto the iPod without having to re-up the whole record again (after downloading the artwork and associating it locally via iTunes)? I tried dragging the art directly onto the album on the iPod when it was hooked up, but while it seemed to be doing someting, it doesn’t seem to have worked. This thing looks like it could be helpful locally, but not with the iPod tracks. And, uh, I have no idea how to install it. It’s a widget? What’s a widget?
And I’ve come to the conclusion that my inbox is a frickin’ mess. If I owe you a reply, I apologize, it’s been one of those “barely keeping head above water” sort of weeks. I’ll try to get to them, um, soon. Ish.
np – Okkervil River / Down The River Of Golden Dreams
11/4/05 9:40 am
After you’ve downloaded a album in Itunes, then get the artwork somewhere on your computer (desktop, c drive, etc.) Once you have the artwork RIGHT CLICK on the artwork and choose "copy". Go to Itunes, click and highlight the album (all of the tracks that you want to put the artwork on) and right click. Choose GET INFO. Then click the ARTWORK tab. In this little window, "paste" the artwork. Then click OK. It should then be attached to all of the tracks you chose!
11/4/05 9:46 am
Or you can go to Preferences and get the album art pane to open under your playlists and just drag and drop. If you highlight all the songs on the album in your library, the art will be attached to each of those songs.
11/4/05 9:47 am
yeah, I’m able to add artwork to my iTunes, but is there a way to get said artwork onto the iPod without re-adding the entire album?
11/4/05 10:05 am
A Konfabulator Widget requires you to first install Konfabulator. A neat little program, actually. That widget is hosted on the Konfabulator page, so you can grab it there.
11/4/05 10:18 am
?? The artwork should move over to the iPod the next time you sync the iPod with your computer’s music collection. But for the geeky tech explanation, refer to this Apple support document:
11/4/05 10:18 am
I took the time to add all the art work to my ipod yesterday, I did it the way that information leafblower mentioned and it worked perfectly. It took a long time and was very tedious, but was worth it in the end.
11/4/05 10:20 am
oh yeah, I should probably mention I’m not synching the iPod. There’s crap I have on my hard drive that I don’t necessarily want to hear on the go.
11/4/05 10:23 am
This is exactly what you’re looking for, I believe.
11/4/05 10:23 am
Which is to say, this:
11/4/05 11:58 am
Yeah.. if you had synching on, the iTunes Companion is an awesome tool for this exact purpose.
Ah well, you can still use it as a desktop remote thing.
11/4/05 12:08 pm
"oh yeah, I should probably mention I’m not synching the iPod. There’s crap I have on my hard drive that I don’t necessarily want to hear on the go."
Hey Frank, you know that you don’t have to sync EVERYTHING on your hard drive with the iPod. If everything you’re dumping from CD is a higher bit rate, just create a smart playlist that filters by bitrate and then instruct your iPod to just sync with that one list. That way you can still filter out "the crap." All those Britany Spears remixes, eh?
11/4/05 12:08 pm
use this…it rocks
11/4/05 12:13 pm
I prefer not to think of them as "remixes" so much as "reinterpretations of genius".
11/4/05 12:31 pm
Frank, the one time I met you, you told me an iPod was of NO interest to you. What changed your view?
11/4/05 12:34 pm
peer pressure.
no, mainly the prices came down enough that it seemed like a reasonable expense and I was noticing an alarming number of my CDs getting scuffed or scratched with regular transport to work or travel or whatever. That’s pretty much the same phenomenon that got me buying CDs instead of tapes 13 years ago – a whole bunch of my tapes started stretching at the same time and it pissed me off.
11/4/05 12:35 pm
oh, and the fact that all I have to do to get scads of comments on a post is say, "iPod".
11/4/05 2:38 pm
Forget iPods. Bring back the 8 Track!
11/4/05 9:52 pm
has everyone heard "insignificance" by jim o’rourke? he has some great albums.
11/8/05 5:15 pm
Biirdie has released a free downloadable single at their website one of the songs there is a cover of saturday looks good to me’s "we cant work it out" from Every Night.