Thursday, September 9th, 2004
All Day, All Night, All Music Video
So it seems people still make music videos. Who knew? Revolver Films is a studio based out of both Toronto and Los Angeles that specializes in creating mini-music commercials, and they’ve even got full-length samples online (you have to go through the ‘recent works’ links under each director’s profile) but there’s stuff there from Interpol, Broken Social Scene, Modest Mouse and Stars. Link from The Big Ticket who also has direct links to most of the good videos if you don’t feel like wading through the site itself.
Another excellent site for seeing videos you’ll probably never see elsewhere is Sputnik 7 – I’ve linked it before, but it deserves to be praised on a regular basis. I mean, where else are you going to see high-quality vids for the likes of The Decemberists’ “The Soldiering Life”, The Postal Service’s “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight”, Spoon’s “Everything Hits At Once” or The Shins’ “The Past And The Pending” – I mean, that wasn’t even a single, was it? And dig those old Elvis Costello clips! Wow. You can lose hours digging through this site.
Odds-on favourite to become the next blogged-to-death link on the internet… Dubya singing “Sunday Bloody Sunday”. At least that explains what Bono was doing at the Republican National Convention – he wanted to collect royalties.
Tift Merritt tours her sophomore record Tambourine through Lee’s Palace October 7, tickets are a mere pittance at $7. Funny timing – I was listening to her first record Bramble Rose yesterday afternoon and I noticed a mark on the underside. Tried to rub it off to no avail – turned out some of the reflective coating from the top of the CD had been scratched off, which is usually death for a CD (nothing to reflect the laser back, y’see). I figured I was going to have to buy another copy of the album, but it played fine. Weird. This was no small scratch either. Yeah, fascinating, no? Anyway, I like Tift. She plays nice country-esque music, has a sweet voice and is purdy as all heck. Plus she did some nice backing vox in Portatstatic’s Autumn Was A Lark mini-album, so there.
Hey, some of you post-Britpop kids like Muse, dontcha? We’ll they’ll be at the Kool Haus November 1, tickets $23.50. Me, I don’t care for em. I like the old Britpop. Like The Boo Radleys. Giant Steps was a great record.
Folks who enjoyed Andrew Bird’s opening set for The Magnetic Fields back in July may be interested to know he’s coming back to do his own show November 4 at Revival. Folks who didn’t enjoy his set… well, no one cares what you think.
The latest issue of Harp mentions that Rykodisc is in the process of putting together a box set for The Replacements which would span both the Twin/Tone and Warner Bros eras and contain loads of unreleased material. I don’t know how excited I am at the notion – having heard the unreleased stuff that came out on the All For Nothing/Nothing For All compilation a few years back, I was coloured unimpressed. I can’t imagine they have better Warner’s stuff in the vaults and a lot of the Twin/Tone stuff they DID see fit to release was barely keeping it together. Granted, that was a large part of the Mats’ charm, but would the stuff that didn’t make the cut really be of any musical value? I do not know.
np – Spoon / Kill The Moonlight
9/9/04 3:43 pm
I saw Andrew Bird open for the New Pornographers back in university, he played with a full band at that show. Let me tell you even the people that didn’t like Andrew Bird opening solo styles for the Magnetic Fields would like him in full band form. If the show on the 4th is him with a band even the haters will be lovers, or at very least likers.