Thursday, February 27th, 2003
Sick Day
So yeah, sick won out. I’ve been vacillating between okay and not-so-okay all day. There’s a pretty steady headache and my temperature is up and down. Took a good solid nap this afternoon that doesn’t seem to have changed much. I’m not congested and there’s not much of a cough, but having stepped outside briefly to grab copies of eye and NOW, I’m certain that declaring this a shut-in day was the right thing to do.
Is anyone else going to the Zaireeka show tomorrow night at the Poor Alex? I am assuming I’ll be well enough by then to go and get mind-bent.
I’m also considering going to the Endearing Records showcase at the Silver Dolllar Saturday for CMW. Looks like a nice, diverse lineup.
np – Son Volt / Wide Swing Tremolo
10/11/09 7:52 am
GoPiano says:GoPiano…
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