Archive for December, 2002

Tuesday, December 10th, 2002

Do It Clean

Got a super-cool tip for Mozilla users out there (and by extension, Netscape 7, Phoenix, et al).

Go to this directory:



where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is a random string of characters. Create a text file and put the following lines in it:

user_pref(“nglayout.initialpaint.delay”, 0);

user_pref(“network.http.pipelining”, true);

user_pref(“network.http.proxy.pipelining”, true);

user_pref(“network.http.pipelining.maxrequests”, 100);

Save it as plain text as “user.js”

Close Mozilla and restart. Bam-o, a fast browser is even faster. Do it now and watch your quality of life improve. You hair will become shinier, your teeth will become whiter and your sex life will improve.

And if you’re not using Mozilla, why the hell not?

This tip comes from, who else, resident geek-o-matic Vic.

np – Echo & the Bunnymen / Songs To Learn And Sing

Tuesday, December 10th, 2002

Expect Delay

Yeah yeah yeah, another entry bitching about technical issues. Access to my site is slow from anywhere I can try to access it from. Pings and tracerts were timing out and my hosting company said everything was normal… Support from them had been very good till this point so I’m wary to start cursing them out, it could well be something out of both our respective controls, but it doesn’t alter the fact that IT SUCKS ASS. Things are fast again now, so I’m taking advantage of it while it lasts.

Not that I have anything interesting to say right now.

“Wuzzle wozzle”.

np – Versus / Let’s Electrify!

Tuesday, December 10th, 2002

Hybrid Moments

So I’ve somehow managed to fix Nucleus. Actually, I didn’t fix jack – I just recopied the original install files over the offending apparently corrupted files, and booyaka, cookies persist again. Now just how these files managed to corrupt themselves, I have no idea. Some lowlife web app lurking around my /lib directories offering them candy and cigarettes.

My ultra-slow connect times to my site are specific to my ISP (Rogers). This morning it was running ‘fast’ again, and I got ping times of 330 ms. Come into work and it’s 52. Somehow, that one last server on the route from home is mucked up and there’s nothing I can do about it – is there? I have the ISP of that server, any way to send the equivalent of a smack upside the head to that box?

np – Elf Power / Nothing’s Going To Happen

Monday, December 9th, 2002

(Expletives Removed)

So I’m doing this entry in Notepad.

Vic is explaining to me on Messenger why it is that Nucleus decided to no longer write administrator cookies, requiring me to log in every single time I try to move around in the back-end of my site. I don’t understand what he’s saying.

What a night. Hell, what a day – after the initial 3.5 hours of meetings, I did get to have lunch. And then another 2.5 hours of meetings after that. Not an ideal Monday, but I suppose it was productive in the grand scheme of things. Happy enough to get out of there today, though.

Band practice was cancelled, again. scheduling is a bugbear, let me tell you. I’m pretty much writing off December, we’ll call it hibernation, but am sorta getting prepped for going full-on again come January. The night off did give me the opportunity to get some errands run, though. First I wanted to swing by Ring Music and grab a few feet of George L’s cables for rewiring my pedalboard – been meaning to get to that for over a month now, but never did. And I still haven’t, since Ring is closed on Mondays. Who knew.

I still swung by the rehearsal space and grabbed my board, though. There were some other setup issues I wanted to address, so I spent the better part of the evening knee-deep in cables, 3M Dual Lock and pedals. This is my idea of a fun night – rewiring a pedalboard and listening to the Weddoes. Too bad it went downhill after that…

Nucleus begins throwing up the aforementioned errors as I go in to make a new entry on my blog. No reason, I haven’t touched the code since this morning when it was working fine, but now it’s gotten testy. And when I go to look at the PHP files that the error is being generated in, I find that Homesite has decided to kack out like ColdFusion did last week. Or the week before. Or whenever, Either way, I had to completely uninstall Homesite and reinstall it to get it to work again. Which still didn’t help because my site was loading slower than frozen molasses moving uphill – a ping of my site yielded average response times of 2 seconds. Needless to say, I wasn’t getting access to my files at any great speed which again, was okay, since when I finally did get in, I confirmed that I had no idea how to troubleshoot the code. Enter Vic – there’s not many things better than having an unemployed friend who gets off on coding. He’s got nothing but time to debug my messes.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a cabin way out in the woods.

Monday, December 9th, 2002

I Hang Suspended

I am the only one in the office right now. Everyone else is at lunch, me I just finished a lovely 3.5-hour meeting. It’s been an interesting day at work… Seems to be loads of work is starting to pile-on right before the holidays. We may need to conscript some more help, depending on the timing of the projects. Actually, we’ll probably need more help regardless of the timing. There is only so much that two monkeys can do before it just degenerates into a farce of feces-flinging and head slapping.

I’m thinking I need more Echo & the Bunnymen. I am slipping into a full-on British 80s post-punk/new wave indie kick. Be warned.

np – The Pernice Brothers / Overcome By Happiness