Wednesday, December 25th, 2002
Merry Christmas
Greetings and salutations from the currently whited-out burg of Oakville. Back with the parentals for Christmas, and I was not expecting to wake up to a goodly heaping of snow. The sentimentalist in me says, “yay, white Christmas!”, the pragmatist in me say, “shit, gotta shovel!”.
Christmas isn’t really a big deal around the household, there’s a cursory gift exchange (I got some cash, a Microsoft natural keyboard and a shirt and tie so I stop borrowing my brothers whenever I need to break out the suit) but mostly just hanging out and building up the goodwill bank so as to mitigate the grief I get the rest of the year for not calling or visiting as often as I should.
There’s not an awful lot to do here, though. I’ve already reset all the VCR clocks so they don’t blink “12:00” anymore. I should make some phone calls and if the roads clear up some this afternoon, drop off some gifts. But mostly I’ll probably just be sitting around reading.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
12/25/02 3:36 pm
tbit says:I find it is nice to be at least out of your own house/apt for the Xmas season. So Happy Holidays and a good new year to you, fellow GTABer :)