Friday, December 6th, 2002

Call The Doctor

Vic came by tonight and did some voodoo on my blog-ware. My RSS feed is now totally Userland-spec compliant, which is apparently cool for those who care. He installed Amphetadesk so I can get RSS feeds from other sites and blogs and he fixed my ping to – now when I update, I can actually successfully be added to their changes.xml file. Very exciting for reasons I can’t articulate or understand.

Mostly he just got to work installing all sorts of wacky UNIX shells and whatnot on my Windows box so he could work in his preferred envrionment. I restrung my Telecaster.

np – The Velvet Crush / Free Expression

By : Frank Yang at 11:33 pm
Category: Uncategorized
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  1. Victor Ng says:

    RSS is actually a Userland specification and not a W3C recommendation.

    The official spec is at: http://…/